We can write lucidly and masterfully on a number of subjects, for a variety of purposes, across a range of mediums.
We enjoy reading, assimilating information and writing. And this enjoyment shows in the end product...a piece written by Resource is straightforward and elegant, without sacrificing style and flair.
We’ve written articles on everything from the dangers of genetically modified foods to socio-cultural effects of globalization to the issue of the stray dog population in Bangalore. We have researched, written and edited about 150,000 words, which appeared as course material on a subject called Futuristics. This is the only original course material of its kind in India—maybe even in the world. And we did it in less than 4 months. We have also edited, designed and produced 16 coffee table books and several non-pictorial books.
Another benefit we bring to any assignment is a streamlined communication process, refined with experience, that makes for effective and easy on-the job interactions.
Just give us the details of subject and focus, and we'll research and write the piece for you.